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4月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Logan's choice

     This book is about murder case. Inspector Logan, who is a police officer, is the main character of this story. One day, an accident was happened and a man was dead, so she went to the spot to observe the situation. When she saw the site, she felt something was strange and she thought that the man may be killed by someone. To solve the problem, she try to pursue the fact.

Apollo's Gold

     This book is about a accident. Liz , the main character of this book, is an archaeologist. When she go to the hospital, she was said to him that she must take a rest because she works very hard every day. So, she went to Apollo in Greece to be relaxed herself. There were so many beautiful things there that she had a great time. However, one day, she was in trouble because robbers tried to find the gold that was hide somewhere in Apollo. What would become of her?