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4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Five Children and It

"The children stood and looked at it. It really was very strange. It could move its eyes in and out in stalks, it had big ears ans its body was fat and round and furry. Its legs and arms had soft fur all over them too, and it had hands and feet." (p. 4)      What do you wish for if you can come true only one thing? In my opinion, I think most people hope that they want to be rich or to be beautiful.      In this story, five children and one fairy appear. Surprisingly, the fairly that children met can make their wishes come true but it lasts only a day. Children are very happy to hear that, so they ask him for a favor of requests such as to be rich, to be beautiful, to be fly and so on. However, things goes wrong and they have many problems due to their wishes... After a few days, a serious incident happens and the children ask the fairy's help to solve this situation...      This book is in the Oxford Bookworms Library series. It has many illustrations, so it h

The House by the Sea

"For a second I thought I was looking at the bloody body of my wife. Then I saw it was the grey and bloody head of a very big fish. I felt sick and happy at the same time. Then I started to cry."  (p. 33)      If your precious people vanish suddenly, what do you do? In my case, I suppose that I must try every possible method to find my important person.      Carl Anderson who is a main character in this story  is worried about something and he looks unhappy because he experienced a strange event. Linda who is his wife disappeared suddenly even though he and she made a promise to meet at the house by the sea to stay at there and have a good time together. However, he couldn't connect with her and some strange and scary incidents happened around him. After that, he head a story about Tom Parker who is a mad man. Carl believed that he must kill Linda but is it true?      This book is in the Cambridge English Readers series. It is a long story but you can enjoy the